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Test Susp-Q250

Test Susp-Q250 – Testosterone Suspension 250 mg

Testosterone Suspension is the purest form of testosterone one can obtain as its entire mass is pure testosterone and the only form that can boast such a claim. As evident by its name Testosterone Suspension is suspended in water where as other forms are suspended in oil; this is an important factor to consider as this water suspension form is far more painful than an oil-based testosterone. Although its function is the same as any testosterone form, due to its nature this is not a steroid that will be used by many individuals as we will see.

In most cases only advanced and experienced anabolic steroid users will ever administer this form of testosterone.

Further, again by its nature Testosterone-Suspension does not provide a lot of advantages for the everyday gym rat, those who make up the majority of anabolic steroid users and for that reason is rarely found in their cycles. Nevertheless, it is a powerful steroid and one more powerful than any testosterone form.

Product Details

Manufacturer:Tiger Farmacéuticos

Substance: Testosterone Suspension

Package : 10ml vial (250 mg/ml) x 1

The Benefits of Testosterone Suspension:

In terms of gaining mass and strength the benefits based on its attributes are the same with Testosterone Suspension as they are with any other form of testosterone. However, because this form is ester free giving it more of a punch on a milligram for milligram basis we can expect the effects of these attributes to be increased. While this steroid can be used for either bulking or cutting cycles many who use it will only do so during a bulking phase as water retention can be a problem due to the high rate of aromatase; however, especially in the competitive bodybuilding world many competitors will use Testosterone-Suspension during a cutting cycle in preparation for a contest due to the need to reap powerfully fast effects as well as the site-injection benefits.

Testosterone-Suspension can aptly increase the size of the injected muscle in the short run which can be at times a welcomed effect; assuming you can tolerate the pain associated with injecting this steroid. An often overlooked attribute regarding Testosterone Suspension is detectability; because it is ester free it clears the system very rapidly making detection all the more difficult.

In a tested athlete this proves to be very advantageous as Testosterone-Suspension can only be detected for approximately two days after an injection. This by no means gets the athlete completely out of the water but without question provides a strong advantage.

Cycles & Doses

Most who use Testosterone Suspension will do so for much shorter periods than other injectable testosterone forms. Even though the attributes lead to great benefits, largely the same ones can be obtained through any other form of testosterone.

Those who use Suspension for bulking purposes will generally do so in short burst, 4-8 weeks is common with 8 weeks generally being the max and daily doses of 50-100mg being common.

Most who practice this method generally couple their Suspension with other testosterone forms and only add Testosterone Suspension in short burst, often to bust through a plateau. For a cutting cycle or competition cycle of any kind many athletes will use Suspension for approximately 4 weeks to give them a slight added edge in conjunction with other anabolic steroids.

Always understand the truth, testosterone carries with it a risk to reward ratio that is very real. The more Testosterone Suspension you use the greater your reward will be. However, the more Testosterone Suspension you use the greater your risk will be as well; in the end the risk you decide to take is on you and you alone.

As for your Testosterone Suspension cycle, most will find 8 weeks of use to be the bear minimum with 16 weeks being far more efficient.

Post Cycle Therapy

Regardless of your duration of use a solid (PCT) plan must be in place. Because Testosterone Suspension is very fast acting, assuming your cycle ends with only fast acting gear your PCT will necessarily begin almost immediately post final steroid administration. However, most will not end a cycle with Suspension only; if your cycle ends with all fast acting gear start PCT approximately 3 days after final injection but if it includes long ester based steroids as well you will need to wait approximately 2-3 weeks

Side Effects

Testosterone-Suspension is not without the possibility of negative side-effects; it is true, anabolic androgenic steroids of every nature carry with them the possibility of negative side effects.

However, more often than not this is highly overstated and exaggerated as all medications of any form, steroidal and non-steroidal alike, prescription and over the counter medications all carry with them the possibility of negative side-effects; many of the daily used over the counter medications such as Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) carry with them far worse possible side-effects than most anabolic androgenic steroids. Nevertheless, understanding the possible side-effects is important and when we do, in most cases we can largely avoid them.

The most common side-effects brought on by Testosterone-Suspension are of an aromatase effect; while this is true with all testosterone forms it is enhanced with Testosterone-Suspension use as the aromatase effect is much stronger.

Testosterone will convert to estrogen through the aromatase process and can bring about such negative effects such as Gynecomastia, water retention, blood pressure and cholesterol issues to name a few. While these side-effects can be problematic they are not without solution; however, the side-effect of testicular atrophy is assured in all but in most cases inconsequential.

Through the use of Testosterone-Suspension or any testosterone form, when exogenous testosterone is present natural production is no longer necessary and it will come to a halt. As testosterone is produced in the testicles in men, once productions ceases to exist the testicles shrink; however, once exogenous use is discontinued and natural production begins again the testicles return to their normal size.

As estrogenic side-effects such as the ones mentioned above can be very problematic all hope is not loss; far from it. As these effects are caused by the advent of estrogen, by supplementing with an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex or Letrozole we can greatly reduce such affects and many times completely eliminate them. Just as important, as it pertains to blood pressure, cholesterol and other similar actions, a healthy diet is imperative; diets that are sufficient in healthy Omega Fats as well as those who condition with regular cardiovascular training greatly reduce the chances of many negative effects commonly associated with many anabolic steroids.