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Policy guidelines

The motto, vision and mission of the School calumniate in setting the policyguidelines of the School which state among others that the School is unique in itssetting and is targeted at operating functionally through processes thatwould serve thesupreme interest ofdeveloping the School in its totality. We might adoptgood practicesfrom elsewhere, but would not just follow the crowd; we stand out on our own andendeavour to work to produce students who would imbibe holistic education, basedupon holiness, wisdom and excellence.

HOSCAPS is targeted at putting out human products, at the basic educational level,with fundamental endowments of exceptionally high qualities for development into forming thecream of leadership, entrepreneurship, etc. and resulting in a meaningful,reliable andstable life.
This defines our objective of achieving the impossible! it is worthy of note that theSchool purposefully operates within the Ghana Education Service as well asimplements the Roman Catholic educational policy guidelines.